Day Four: A Plate of Spiritual Food Awaits Us
Did you know the Holy Spirit wants to feed you a full plate of food in the secret place? As we go about our day we determine exactly what we will eat and what time we will eat, in the natural. We make our grocery lists, go shopping, drag the groceries in, put the groceries away, and ultimately prepare the food as we choose. We celebrate over food. We go out to eat and can't wait to hit a drive-thru. That is a lot of intentionality. That takes a lot of time and energy. This process of feeding ourselves and our families is not only necessary for survival but it is habitual. We don't think twice about grabbing the natural food our physical body is craving/needing. When we choose to alter or deny what our physical bodies are accustomed to, our flesh is quick to let us know that we are "hungry and thirsty". Our brains and stomaches work together to place demands on us! What if we have yet to learn which part of us is most important? What if the wrong part of us is in control of things? Is there something greater and of more importance that we are missing out on? I say yes!
During my time in prayer, the LORD revealed something to me that grieved me so deeply. I want to share that with you here:
"There is food in the Spirit. I have a plate for you that's FILLED with food in the Spirit, but you are too busy filling your plate in the natural, feeding your flesh man until it is so full that you are too comfortable to come to Me HUNGRY, filled with desperation."
God has a plate prepared for YOU but it is discovered in the secret place, a place of waiting and ministering to the LORD.
Prayer Focus: Go into your prayer closet with a heart that says, "I'm here to minister to You, LORD. I want the plate You have for ME!"
Scripture Focus: John 6:48-51; Matthew 4:4